I am once again asking for your financial support
Hello everyone, I'm writing to you at 4AM in my sleep deprived state.
As much as I want to say I've been good, I have not. The stress and pain, is building.
I have not been in the best situation for quite sometime, financially anyway. I've been applying and searching for any job that would best suit me so that I'll be able to earn money part-time and come home to work on personal passion projects for all of you to enjoy. But that hasn't gone too well for the past couple of months.
Tl;DR I'm unemployed and I'm slowly becoming the starving artist as a young adult. Oh Joy!
I don't want be this way, but currently its been rather rough to say the least. So I've come to y'all once again to please consider donating to my Patreon or Ko-fi accounts. Until I get employed again, I'm gonna start heavily promoting both of these because that is all I can do for now.
My Illustrations and projects such as the EXE comic I'm working on are all made for free, nothing about my work will change, but your donations are going to help a ton!
Y'alls support would mean the world to me, you can donate as little as a dollar a month on patreon and you get access to little neat bonuses! and Ko-fi is just a one and done deal but you set the price!
Every little bit helps!
I put it so much time and effort into my work for all of you to enjoy and I don't ever want that to change!
But I wont sit here and lie to you all, it's been getting harder to keep doing what I love doing without some kind of income coming in. That's why I'm here now, to tell you what's been going on and how you can help.
I'll try not be annoying about the Donations, but expect to see more of me talking about Patreon and Ko-fi. Because until I get a real Job again like I said, this all I can do for now.
I'm hoping y'all will understand.
And if you read this far I just wanna say thank you and here's a sketch preview on one of the pages I'm working on for the EXE comic.

Hopefully the next time I update y'all about my life it will be a little more positive and when I'm not too stressed or tired at 4AM, Jesus,, its about to be 5AM I need some sleep.
Stay Safe!
[support me and help me eat]
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Snoopierkid
Buy me some coffee
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Snoopierkid
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Snoopierkid